

Old TV's are my hobby !


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Lee De Forest (1930)





First RAI   broadcast





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Dumont RA 103 D 5


Old TV's

For me TV sets are an old love.

When I was a child sometimes I went with my Father to install antennas on the roofs of the houses and to make some repairs on TV sets. I was fascinated by this appliances which can receive images and sounds from far away, it seemed magic when the images were flashed on the cathode ray tube screen.

Around 1970 I made some little repairs on various TV sets, then my job took me along different paths and there was no more time to enjoy TV’s.

Anyway my interest in television didn’t fade away, from time to time, when someone gave me an old TV set, I took it and put in my attic.

In the last years with help from the internet I found some other interesting TV’s and now I have decided to publish photos of my TV sets to make people see the images of my small collection.


Old TV color sets WANTED:  

   Philips K4 21KX100 A - Telefunken - Graetz burggraf color 1045 1345 KURFURST 2040 

   2146 - Grundig T 801 1000 color 1500 T1110 super color 6031- 

   Blaupunkt CTV 2281 2581 2003 Trafalgar - Radiomarelli RVC800 -  

   Condor - Watt radio 6503 -  NORDMENDE - SABA color Schauninsland T2000 - 

   AUTOVOX 2589 - Art Tiziano - ADMIRAL color 2TS106C / 3L511 / 3L523 - Emerson - Fimi 

   Phonola TV 25 C 76/6 - GELOSO GTV 8C 125 - Korting Dusseldorf Duisburg Berlin - 

   Radiomarelli RVC 800 VSC 800 - SEI Sinudyne S.E.I 2910  2912 - Telefunken 608T PAL 

   color 708T 732SE - ART tiziano 25 color - ADMIRAL Cincinnati color - B&O Beovision 

   2800 3000 3100 3200 - Loewe Opta F900 color - ITT Schaub - Lorenz Weltspiegel T525 - 

   Nordmende color 2201 2270 2502 spectra color studio L2X L2UX :




If you have one of these sets for sale, you can write me to my e-mail address:


My collection:



Black & white TV's 

Color TV's


Philips TX400




Philips TX500

Philips X25K121 08 (1968)



 Philips TX1410 U       Philips TX1410 U-48


Philips X25K121 09 (1968)


Philips TX701



Philips TX1420


Aristona AR 65K121 08 


TV Astoria


Philips D25K860 06 (1968)


Galatic UG 4060 projection TV


VEGA mod. 717


CGE General Electric TXC 3781




Philips X26K141 58



Philco Predicta

Philips X25K142 05


Atlantic mod. 565



Philips X26K964 05


 Philco mod. Bristol




Elektronika VL-100


Grundig ST3022


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