American Bosch 402

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American Bosch Radio


402  (ED3)





Frequency range

Medium W. (550 - 1750 KHz), Police Band (2400 - 2500 KHz)


6F7 ; 78 ; 75 ; 43 ; 25Z5

Intermediate frequency

456 Kc

Power supply

110 V. a.c.

Measure of the case

26,7 cm wide; 19 cm tall; 13,5 cm deep.

Overall dimensions

26,7 cm wide; 19,5 cm tall; 14,5 cm deep.


Kg. 3,5


This small radio is conceptually similar to Radiomarelli mod. Alauda.

Looking at the pictures you can see how the chassis and the speaker are similar to the ones of Italian factory model.

The Bosch 402 has no power transformer and the filaments of the valves are connected in series.  

Bosch 402 was manufactured in three editions, the radio you can see here is the third edition.

First edition has the medium waves only, the peculiarity edition 2 and 3 have is the ability to receive the old Police broadcast frequencies.

In the rear panel there is a lever switch that lets you choose between the standard broadcast band and Police band.